July 8, 2021

Decisions.. Decisions..


My first journey as a student representative was in 2016.
The journey continued in 2017.
2020 was supposed to be the end.
February 2020. I cried while making the annual report. Haha! On the last day before the dismissal speech, I was in the office to print the salutations. I cried again watching the printer printing the papers. It was so heartbreaking. At that moment my only thought was 'This is the last time I'll be doing this kind of job. This is the last time I can be in this office. This is the last time. The last.'
Then COVID19 came. I was recruited to be in the task force. The task force was a very new experience as I get to work with different people and environments (which are mostly online and while quarantine). We had only 1 job: Managing the students' data. The job itself was 100 times harder than it sounds.
2021, the end.
Earlier in the year, I made the decision to leave the task force on September or a few weeks before I started my study again. Allah knows better. As I am a very perfectionist (in work only), I want everything to be perfect. I need deadlines, I need the result to be tidy and understandable, I want to always be ready and I want it done before people demand it. I've struggled a lot to adapt to other's schedules and pace. Before I know it, the decision just comes to me. Approximately 56 hours ago, I decided to left and only gave the others a 24-hour notice.
And here I am! The end of my journey. I'm so glad to decide to leave earlier than I plan to.
Perhaps now I can focus more on myself. Which is the thing that I've been aiming for for years.

Insya Allah

p/s: Please hire me. My resume looks nice already with these experiences 😏 hahaha

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